Posts Tagged ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’

The Oscar season is upon us, and we here at Reel Thinking want to take the time to highlight some of the films being released this fall and winter. Blaine listed his last week (in no particular order), and John’s top 5 are listed below. Also, sound off in the comments, letting us know what movies you’re looking forward to this fall.  And yes, we do have a few of the same movies listed, but John tried to branch out a bit and list some other notable forth-coming titles.

John’s Top 5:

Interstellar: Okay, so Blaine and I seem to disagree on Christopher Nolan (it’s okay, friends can disagree).  I’ve really enjoyed most of what he’s directed since I was first exposed to his filmmaking in Memento.  In my opinion, Nolan can make a film that’s appealing to the masses without sacrificing quality work.  He has been a master at mixing genres, and it appears that he’s doing it again – a heartfelt sci-fi/drama.

Unbroken:  If I had to pick one movie to watch this year, it would be this one.  Simply watching the trailer makes me think they should go ahead and give it the Oscar for Best Picture.  While I’m not crazy about Angelina Jolie directing, I am crazy-excited about the Coen Brothers writing the screenplay.


Foxcatcher: So, this story sounds too insane to be true, but it is.  I admit that I’m just a little curious to see Michael Scott…I mean, Steve Carrell and Channing Tatum pull off roles that seem to go against their normal characters.  Will we be seeing Oscar noms for these two?


The Imitation Game: I’m with Blaine on this one!



Exodus: Gods and Kings:  I’m not sure if we’ve got another Noah on our hands, but I am curious to see what Ridley Scott does with this film.  I’ve enjoyed a lot of Scott’s previous work, and although I’m unsure if I will be seeing this, I am a bit intrigued.  Not to mention that I am a fan of Christian Bale and Aaron Paul.


“There is something coming that is out of my control.”